Is Atmos RAW Vaporizer a good Vape pen? AtmosRX Review


Is Atmos RAW Vaporizer a good Vape pen? AtmosRX Review

What Is The Atmos RAW Vaporizer?

The Atmos RAW Vaporizer pen is the newest member of the vape pen family. Its popularity is caused by its very small size, it’s compact, discreet and has a very classic look to it. The designing of the Atmos RAW's battery offers new technology and design that leaves other vaporizer pens in the dust. This pen is the smallest pen in the world with a really nice sleek appearance that consumers are really getting into. The Atmos vape offers the highest quality medicinal stainless steel casing and heats the actual herbs while other vaporizer pens heat liquids and juices. Heating the actual herbs allows consumers to experience the purest aspects of herbs, literally the heart of herbs.

Many of those who have purchased this vape pen are very impressed with the entire design and its ability to delivery very rich flavor. We all know the value of a rich, clean flavor and this vaporizer will not let you down.

Although this pen and chamber are both quite small, this can be quite deceptive, you will not lose          any quality whatsoever. You will experience a very clean vapor and discover the natural flavor of herbs as they are meant to be.

Atmos RAW a Vape pen or a smoking pipe?

When first released, the Atmos vape pen was designed to burn herbs and not vapor. Many consumers became concerned with this concept due to inhaling smoke. The developers listened to these people and designed a glass honey comb screen that is offered to anyone who wants it.  That said, this vape pen allows you to use both dry herbs and flowers without having to change the tank and it offers great quality.

Consumer Ratings:

Most consumers who have purchased this vaporizer pen have rated it on a very high scale and believe this pen is transforming the vaporizer market in a big way. Reviews have shown most people who have purchased this vaporizer are extremely satisfied with the quality they are receiving from this pen.  The significance in the quality of the herbs and flowers are really superior to those who shared their vaporizing experiences.


It's got a great design going for it and offers amazing flavor for dry herbs and flowers.  It's extremely discreet for those wanting anonymity and is easy to carry around.


If you are looking for a locking device, you won't find one on this vaporizer pen.  Some consumers have experienced problems with locating the power button.  Due to its small size it can be a little difficult, but is not a major concern with most users.

Some consumers have not found the glass honey comb screen particularly helpful.

Price Tag:

Atmos Raw is extremely inexpensive in comparison to many vape pens on the market today.  It runs from $170 to $250.  You will also want to also purchase a grinder and storage jars to make transportation around town a lot easier.


The AtmosRAW Vaporizer is a really nice little pen with a really decent price tag.  The designers are listening to their customers and are always on the lookout for a new design or idea if they feel it will make the consumer pleased with this vaporizer.