Drone Pit Stop Landing Gear for DJI Mavic Pro


Drone Pit Stop Landing Gear for DJI Mavic Pro

The Drone Pit Stop Landing Gear for DJI Mavic Pro is an important accessory that safeguards your drone against damage usually caused when landing the drone. Apart from the legs of the drone, the gimbal too is at a place where a harsh landing can break it, which is why it is necessary to keep these parts of your expensive quadcopter protected.

The landing gear helps in adding around 1.5 inches extra ground clearance, providing a wider space for you to land your drone without the lower parts touching the ground.

Apart from that, this landing gear is also good for adding an extra layer that keeps the original components free of dirt, grass, stones, scratches or other such elements that are harming and instead keeping your DJI Mavic Pro Drone safe and sound.

It is a much smaller price to pay as opposed to paying for repairs and damages caused without it! Enjoy a fun and stress free ride with this Drone Pit Stop product, and also reap the benefits of its easy usage. Installing and removing the landing gear is easy and can be done using the conveniently marked L/R points for correct and easy installation.