Gopro Surf Wrist strap


Gopro Surf Wrist strap

The second vantage point is a first-person view, where everything the surfer sees is recorded. This can be done by attaching your camera to a lanyard and tie it around your wrist. But to get a good shot you may have to hold the camera at an angle.

While this makes for a cheap alternative, it can become quite cumbersome and the shots may come out too shaky. Another accessory you can use is wrist housing.

With this, you can secure the GoPro camera flat against your wrist instead of having it dangle from your wrist. This is much more convenient because when you want t record, all you have to do is pivot your arm upright. This will also leave your hands and arms free for when you aren’t recording with the camera. You will also be able to get in quite a few different shots from varied angles with this one.