Star Walk – An AR Stargazer


Star Walk – An AR Stargazer

The knowledge of constellations and the mystery of stars has always been a topic of fascination for most people, especially stargazers. But the tough calculations and angles can make it a little bit difficult to find what you are looking for in the sky. This is where the AR app Star Walk comes into place.

If you want to understand the shapes and patterns that you see in the sky, then this application can tell you exactly what you are looking at. To use it, all you have to do is point the smartphone’s camera at the sky, and the app will then provide the user with information about the constellations, planets and other celestial bodies in your field of view.

If you want to find a particular constellation or star, the app will tell you when and how you can. Users can also tap on the planets and stars to receive more information about them. There’s even a Time Machine feature that lets you see the starscape at a past or future date, as well as a Night Mode that lets you stargaze at nighttime.

The app can sync with social media to let you easily share your new findings with friends and family and the app also makes a great education tool for people!